Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Goodman League to Officially Invite Obama

President Barack Obama shakes hands with George Goodman League commissioner Miles Rawls (center) at the Washington Wizards vs. the Chicago Bulls game at the Verizon Center in February. (Courtesy Photo/REUTERS / Jason Reed)

April 21, 2009) - With the Washington Wizards failing to qualify for the NBA playoff for the first time in four years, President Barack Obama will have to wait until next season before he can make his second basketball game appearance at the Verizon Center. But the good news for Obama is he won’t have too long to see some exciting hoops in Washington.Remember the fan who allegedly heckled the president during the Wizards vs. Chicago Bulls game back in February?Well, the AFRO had confirmed that Miles Rawls had intentions far beyond annoying the first Black president of the United States. We reported last month that Rawls, the longtime commissioner of the annual George Goodman League—a series of summer basketball games at Barry Farms Dwelling Court—had plans of inviting Obama down to the Farms, according to a source familiar with the situation.The AFRO now learns directly from Rawls— also a longtime District police officer—that he has written an official letter of invitation and will personally deliver it to the White House one day this week.Rawls, who will also take to the president several photos of the Goodman League games, said he wanted to present an invitation to Obama during the Wizards games, but never had the chance because the two were having so much fun exchanging trash talk.If the president does accept the invitation to either watch or participate as a player in the games, surely he’ll be the most recognized public figure to do so.But he won’t be the first famous face to engage in D.C.’s most popular street ball tournament.Rawls, one of the most respected names among local basketball, has the ability to attract high- profile ball players to participate in the games. He’s invited NBA stars such as Gilbert Arenas, Caron Butler, Kevin Durant, Michael Beasley, Shaquille O’Neal and several And-1 All Stars down to play against some of the best local talent.Whenever word gets around the area that a star baller will be playing, hundreds of folks crowd the courts just to be a witness.If Obama shows face, he’ll easily attract the most visitors to Barry Farms in the 30-plus year history of the Goodman League games.

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